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Marble Surface

Waitlist Information

Everything you need to know in order to get your very own hedgehog

Before You Get Your Baby

Step One -

Step Two -

Step Three -

-Please send me a text, email or call regarding getting a baby hedgie and to be on the waitlist.

-After I'll ask for a non-refundable $75 deposit to hold a specific baby or to be on the waitlist and to fill out an application form.

-All prices are the same regardless of color and age except for albino.

Step four -

-Placing your deposit before the babies are born, means you will get weekly updates as they grow and get to pick your baby at 3 weeks old. 

When you get you new baby!

Step One -

Step Two -

Step Three -

-A happy healthy little baby hedgie.

-A treat and bath bomb bundle.

-Sleeping pouch.

Step Four -

-2 Weeks of food.

Step Five -

-A birth certificate and family tree.

Step Six -

Step Seven -

Step Eight -

-24/7 Support with your hedgie.

-Free hotel for locals only (visit with grandma)

-A box for transport.

Let's Get


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